Swell FM radio station
Swell FM

Swell FM

Exciting music radio station with music before the beatles! Get your fix of doo wop, 1950s tunes, rock'n'roll, r&b, swing, rockabilly, ska, big band sound & jazzy tunes. All before the british invasion! Hear songs you never heard before, the rare stuff! 24/7!
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192,Johnny Maestro & The CrestsPretty Little Angel 5812:05:41
192,Bill WoodsGo Crazy Man12:03:41
192,Chubby CheckerDancin' Party 6212:01:41
192,Tab HunterApple Blossom Time 5911:59:41
192,Roger La Rue And His PalsI Don't Care If The Sun Don't Shine11:57:21
Opus slow
64,35. Live is Life
Celebrate 1980
Simple Minds
In The Mix
320,Shaun C